- imaging rates above 100 fps @ 100x100 pixel, only limited by SNR (preamp bandwidth)
- requires no modification of existing scanner, electronics and software
- thoroughly tested on an Omicron VT and an LT-STM, imaging between 77K and 600K. Succesfully tested also on a SPECS Aarhus STM.
- totally transparent to existing control unit
- seamless switching between the conventional, slow mode and the fast mode
The novelty of FAST SPM is that it requires no modification of the existing scanner hardware, and its operation is totally transparent with respect to the existing electronics and acquisition software: you can keep on using your SPM in the way you always did, and push the imaging rate exactly when you need it by seamlessly switching between the fast and traditional imaging mode.

This is the development team of the FAST SPM module:
- Cristina Africh (CNR-IOM)
- Giuseppe Cautero (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
- Marco Cautero (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
- Giovanni Comelli (UniTS, CNR-IOM)
- Carlo Dri (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, CNR-IOM)
- Friedrich Esch (TU Munich)
- Jordi Fraxedas (ICN2)
- Leonardo Gregorat (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
- Barbara J. Lechner (TU Munich)
- Mirco Panighel (former CNR-IOM; now University of Luxembourg)
- Laerte L. Patera (former UniTS, CNR-IOM; now University of Regensburg)
- Stefano Schillani (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste)
- Daniel Tiemann (ICN2)
This research project has received funding from the EU's H2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement n. 654360 from 1/9/2015 to 31/8/2019.